How to be a Better Teacher – A practical Guide for Inclusive Education


Every day, teachers and parents are faced with unique challenges associated with the inclusion of children with specific or special needs in the classroom. Despite research showing the financial, educational, and societal benefits of inclusion, the practical reality of inclusion is still a daunting task! “How to be a better teacher – a practical guide for inclusive teaching and classroom strategies in a mainstream school” aims to equip participants with basic knowledge and skills, to successfully include learners with different educational needs within a mainstream classroom environment.


‘Education is not the filling of a pot but the lighting of a fire.’ –W.B. Yeats

Every year teachers mould children’s dreams and hold their fragile hopes in their hands and touch hearts.  To truly engage with every individual, it is important for teachers to understand that HOW they teach is as important as WHAT they teach.  Inclusive teaching in a mainstream school involves much more than meets the eye.

“How to be a better teacher – a practical guide for inclusive teaching and classroom strategies in a mainstream school” revisits inclusive teaching strategies to examine how successful teachers apply important elements of an inclusive classroom environment and manage the interaction of these principles to create meaningful relationships with each child.

Topics in this book include:

  • Technology in the classroom
  • Multi-level teaching in a classroom
  • Classroom activities, and many more

An inclusive classroom environment ensures that all children feel affirmed, engaged, and supported by their teachers – although they all have different needs and expectations.

The authors of this book are all part of Eduplex Private School which is an international model for inclusive education.